Seeing as Hulk and Steranko are being discussed over on Secret Oranges I thought I'd upload another 2000AD forum competition entry from a few years ago. The task was to re-imagine a classic comic cover. I always figured Mach Zero was 2000AD's version of the Hulk so I took the content of the cover of 2000AD prog165 and drew it match the composition of Steranko's superb King-size Hulk, which is one of my favourite comic covers. It kind of tied in as both have rocks / masonry about to crush the main character. Interestingly, the Hulk face wasn't drawn by Steranko but by Marie Severin. Below middle is the published version with the Marie Severin drawn head and on the right is the original full Steranko version. I think Marie Severin did a damn good job. Not common practice now I would imagine, but it did happen from time to time in the past. As a kid I was always puzzled why Superman's face (by Curt Swan) didn't match the rest of the comic (Jack Kirby).

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